Sorry I haven't been updating the website, it's been crazy since im back to school! The new time new updates go up, i'll for sure put it up about Club Penguin!!
1)Please no personal information such as screen names to other websites other than Club penguin and megrina10's club penguin cheats/hints. No emails, phone numbers, pictures of yourself, your real name. ------------------------------------------ 2)No stealing any material of Megrina10's hints/cheats!We will report you to blogger. ------------------------------------------ 3)Please have fun and don't cheat on any of the games! ------------------------------------------ 4)Don't post any of the cheats in a comment on the "hints" site! Just say got it! ------------------------------------------ xoxo Megrina10
Who is Megrina?
Girl or boy- Girl Age- 12 Out of U.S? Nope I live in the U.S! Pets? Yep! The cutest little puppy named Toby! I'll post a picture soon :)! Hobbies- Soccer, Basketball, club penguin, music Favorite Food-Pizza What servers do i usually go on? Subzero and Fjord When do i usually go on? 8:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m.
Would you like to be the penguin of the week? Read how to be one on megrina10!
*How do i become a penguin of the week? Well.. Participate in the games, comment on the site, and i'll post the winner each week!