Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Newspaper Updates & more

Note: Sorry if the pictures are so small, it turns out like that on blogger!
The newspaper talks about the new play at the stage and when
the superheros return!

There is going to be a music jam on the 25th!

The newspaper talks about the new music tunes that are going to be in your igloo, also the green puffle spotted at the Ice Rink instead of the Night Club!

Aunt Artic Thanks some penguins for being there selves and making new friends!

July 18th- New Igloo Music
July 18th-New Furniture Catalog
July 18th-New Pin Hidden
(July 25th-30)- Music Jam!
August 1st- New Clothing Catalog!

THE PENGUIN BAND ROCKS THE ICEBERG! Check out page C7-C8 to make your own story!
Here is how my story ended up:

At the 'berg there was no time for stopping G Billy said, "It's time for something new." So Stompin' Bob smiled, "I know just what to do!"
He picked up a tambourine and started to play, his awesome music, blew the crowed way!
The iceberg began to sway and shake. The crowd went wild as it started to quake! But even though the penguins were hip, they just couldn't get the ice berg to tip!

FUNNY HUH? Make your own and post what it came out to!


There is going to be a Club Penguin DS game! Check out what Billybob said:

Hello penguins!

I am very excited to be the first to let you know about a very special project we've been working on!

Ever since Club Penguin was launched, many of you have been asking and talking about a DS game and we've been listening. Here's a bit of what you can look forward to:


I can't get into too much detail but you might be wondering about the name 'Elite Penguin Force'. In the DS game you take on a special role as part of the Elite Penguin Force and solve mysteries that even Secret Agents don't know about!

That's just the start! You'll also be able to play some of your favorite mini games and earn coins and other rewards that can be uploaded into your Penguin account!

I'll have more info in the coming months. We're hoping to have the game done by this holiday season so you'll only have to wait a few more months!

As always let us know what you think.

Until then...waddle on!

-The Club Penguin Team

asking it for Christmas! I have a DS so im really excited! Do you have a DS? What games do you have?


ExpandForFree said...

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megrina10 said...

I'll think about it, I'm okay right now though :)